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Dr. rer.nat. Michael Kretschmer

Justus Liebig University, Giessen

Dr. M. Kretschmer
1. Physikalisches Institut
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 16
35392 Gießen
Tel.: 0641/99-33163

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[   CV   |   Career   |   Special Skills & Knowledge   |   References   |   Publications   |   Read this   ]

  • Hockenheim, Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
  • Carl Friedrich Gauss Gymnasium (Highschool)
    Primary courses: Physics and chemistry. Degree: 'Abitur'
  • University of Karlsruhe: Physics
    Degree: 'Diploma'. Examinations: 'Particle physics and accelerators',
    'Computer sciences'
  • University of Vienna: Astronomy, Computer Sciences
    Additional courses
  • (Nuclear) Research Center Karlsruhe (KfK): Diploma Thesis
    Title: "Control and Data Acquisition System for a Test Setup of Multiwire
    Proportional Chambers for KASCADE" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Rebel)
  • University of Köln (Cologne): Geophysics, Planetary Science
    PhD courses, geophysical field practicum (Prof. Dr. F. M. Neubauer)
  • German Aerospace Research Center (DLR): PhD Thesis
    Title: "Sound Propagation in Cometary-Relevant Material" (Abstract & download)
    (Prof. Dr. D. Möhlmann)
  • 1998 - 2001. German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne
    Institute for Space Simulation (today: ''Material Physics in Space'')
    Development of the ROSETTA Lander's SESAME/CASSE instrument; Hardware
    and software development and testing; Space simulation experiments; Space
    qualification of hardware; Experiments for data interpretation; Final integration of
    flight hardware; Student supervision; Public relations (radio, TV, open-day); Web design.
    CASSE CoI.
  • 04/1999. Von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH, Schwetzingen
    Manufacturing and testing of space qualified electronics (ROSETTA/COSIMA)
  • 2001 - 2013. Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE)
    Physics of complex ('dusty') plasmas; Experimental works, in the lab and on parabolic flights (total: 10 campaigns, 21 flight days, 721 parabolas, 240 minutes of zero-g time); Data processing and publication of results from lab, parabolic flights and space station ISS; International collaboration with institutes in Moscow (JIHT/RAS, aka IHED), Tel Aviv (Weizmann Institute), Orléans (GREMI); Project work and development of space station hardware (PK-4 facility), Project Scientist; Supervision of student experiments; Public relation (video documentations, open-days) and web management.
  • 2014 - heute. Justus Liebig University, Giessen
    1st Institute of Physics, group 'Space and Plasma Physics'. Experimental work, laboratory management, supervision of students and PhD students. Preparation of experiments on parabolic flights and on the ISS with the PK-4 setup. Lecture support.
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Work with these operating systems:
Windows 98/2000/XP/7, MacOS X, MacOS 7-9, iOS, Unix, VAX-VMS, OS-9, GEM/TOS, DOS.

Software development with these languages:
C/C++, Pascal, IDL, Modula, Fortran, Basic, Assembler, Machine Code.

Additional knowledge:
Web publishing with (source code) HTML, CSS, JavaScript; Text processing and
presentation technique (wysiwyg systems, LaTeX, PowerPoint, etc.);
Digital image processing; Non-linear video editing (DV, DVD).

Digital and analog electronic circuit design; Printed board layout; Programming
of microcontrollers; ESA High-Reliability Soldering certificate (ESA PSS-01-708)

German (native); English (conversation); French (school level);
Spanish, Russian (rudimentary).

DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft), EPS (European Physical Society),
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), TPS (The Planetary Society),
VdS (Vereinigung der Sternfreunde), GWUP (Gesellsch. z. wiss. Untersuchung von
Parawissenschaften), and more...

FAA Class III pilot medical certificate (for participation in parabolic flights);
Parabolic flight experience (10 campaigns, >720 parabolas so far)
Boat license (sails and motor); Scuba Diving certificate; Driving license.
Astronomical equipment: Siberia 150 6'' Newton reflector, several binocolars
(10x50,...), long exposure digital cams with sev. lenses & filters, ...
Regular sports: Swimming, Karate (blue belt).
Musical instruments: drums, keyboard/pipe organ. Three pieces of music
I would take to a desert island: Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells; Emerson,
Lake & Palmer - ELP; Glenn Gould - Bach, Goldberg Variations.
My favourite citations:
''Earth is truly the cradle of mankind. But no man can stay in the cradle forever.''
(Konstantin Tsiolkovsky) and this one by Carl Sagan.

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Prof. Dr. Berndt Feuerbacher
Director Emerit. of DLR Institute for Space Simulation
Founding Director of DLR Institute for Space Flight Systems
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen, Germany
E-mail: Berndt . Feuerbacher @ dlr . de

Prof. Dr. Gregor Morfill
Director of Max Planck Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE)
85741 Garching, Germany
E-mail: gem @ mpe . mpg . de

Prof. Dr. Mihály Horányi
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics & Department of Physics
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0392, USA
E-mail: mihaly . horanyi @ colorado . edu

Prof. Dr. F. M. Neubauer
Institute for Geophysics & Meteorology
University of Cologne
Zülpicher Str. 49a, 50674 Köln, Germany
E-mail: neubauer @ geo . uni-koeln . de

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10/2014, Michael Kretschmer
